Kentucky Career Center Hopkinsville Hiring Event for GSI
on April 4th, 2019
A Hiring Event will take place Thursday, April 18, 2019 from 9 am - 2 pm at KCC - Hopkinsville located at 110 Riverfront Dr. Hopkinsville, KY. For more information call (270) 889-6509. GeoStabilization International® (GSI) is the premier Geohazard mitigation firm operating throughout the United States and Canada and is seeking experienced & non experienced construction operators.  Read More
Baptist Health Paducah Open Interviews
on April 2nd, 2019
Baptist Health Paducah is seeking to fill positions within our medical practices. Medical assistants and patient access coordinators are vital members of our healthcare teams, with trusted customer service responsibilities in direct-patient contact and care to individuals of all ages. Bring your resume and documentation of any credentials earned. Wage to commensurate with training and demonstrated competencies.  Read More
Kentucky Career Center - Hopkinsville April Hiring Event
on March 25th, 2019
Kentucky Career Center - Hopkinsville is hosting a Hiring Event on April 11, 2019 from 10 am - 2 pm at the Career Center located at 110 Riverfront Drive in Hopkinsville, KY.  Bring your resume and come dressed and prepared to interview....  Read More
Campbell Strong Workforce Partnership Grand Opening Celebration
on March 19th, 2019
A Grand Opening Celebration took place Monday, March 18, 2019 to comemorate the opening of the Campbell Strong Workforce Partnership Transition Center.  The center is located at 101 Ringgold Road in Clarksville, Tennessee.  It is a collaboration and partnership between the West Kentucky Workforce Board and the Northern Middle Tennessee Workforce Board, which both straddle the KY-TN state line.  Th...  Read More
Muhlenberg County Job Fair
on March 18th, 2019
Climb the ladder to success!  A Job Fair is scheduled for Thursday, April 25, 2019 from 11 am to 3 pm at the Central City Convention Center located at 320 Golden Tide Avenue in Central City, Kentucky.Employers interested in attending should contact Karen Robinson at (270) 338-4102 or at [email protected]....  Read More
Changes Rehabilitation Hiring Event
on March 14th, 2019
Changes Rehabilitation, LLC, is proud to locate its newest residential rehabilitation facility in Fulton. Join us Tuesday, March 26th, at the Pontotoc Community Center when we kick off our recruitment efforts to hire caring and dedicated team members. We are seeking to fill the following positions at this event:Activities AssistantAdministrative AssistantCare GiverFood Service SupervisorFood Servi...  Read More
Lake Barkley Partnership Career Fair
on March 12th, 2019
A Career Fair is being held on March 27, 2019 from 9 am - 1 pm at the Princeton Tourism Center located at 206 E Market Princeton, KY.  The positions being offered include:ADVANCED MANUFACTURING, MATERIAL HANDLING, & TRUCK DRIVING....  Read More
Madisonville Military Day 2019
on March 12th, 2019
We love Madisonville, Kentucky, so much that we call it “The Best Town on Earth.”  We would love to bring current military here for a day to see if you might love it, too.  We want to take you to lunch and dinner.  We want to show you some of our great places to work, study and play.  We want to introduce you to some of our great citizens like you.Please register for Madisonville Military Day, Jun...  Read More
Community Resource Roundtable
on March 8th, 2019
Muhlenberg Alliance for Progress and the West Kentucky Workforce Board invites you to a “Community Resource Roundtable” for a briefing to explore the myriad of local, state and federal resources available to assist with the economic and workforce conditions of Muhlenberg County and the citizens affected by the recent announcement of the Paradise Coal Plant closure....  Read More
Hopkins County Job Expo 2019
on March 6th, 2019
Hopkins County Job Expo has been set for Tuesday, April 16, 2019 from 10 am to 3 pm at the Ballard Convention Center located at 605 East Arch Street Madisonville, KY 42431.  For more informaiton about the Job Expo, please call (270) 821-1939 or visit the event Facebook page....  Read More
Campbell Strong Workforce Partnership Grand Opening Celebration
on March 5th, 2019
...  Read More
March 2019 Career Fair
on March 5th, 2019
Still looking for the four-leafed clover that will get you the job you've always wanted?Whether or not you believe in luck, taking control of your own fate is always a good first step. Luck strikes best when you give it a chance to find you. That means doing all the things you need to do to get your job search started right and keep it moving. Make plans to be at the Kentucky Career Center-Hopkins...  Read More


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