Career Centers provide universal access to an integrated array of labor exchange services so that workers, job seekers, and employers can find the services they need. The Wagner-Peyser Employment Service focuses on providing a variety of services including job search assistance, help getting a job referral, and placement assistance for job seekers. Additionally, re-employment services are available for unemployment insurance claimants, as well as recruitment services to employers with job openings. Services are delivered in one of three modes including self-service, facilitated self-help services and staff assisted service delivery approaches.
The services offered to employers, in addition to referral of job seekers to available job openings, include assistance in development of job order requirements, matching job seeker experience with job requirements and skills, assisting employers with special recruitment needs, arranging job fairs, assisting employers analyze hard-to-fill job orders, assisting with job restructuring, and helping employers deal with layoffs. Job seekers who are veterans receive priority referrals to jobs and training as well as special employment services and assistance. In addition, the system provides specialized attention and service to individuals with disabilities, migrant and seasonal farm-workers, justice-involved individuals, youth, minorities, and older workers.
The services offered to employers, in addition to referral of job seekers to available job openings, include assistance in development of job order requirements, matching job seeker experience with job requirements and skills, assisting employers with special recruitment needs, arranging job fairs, assisting employers analyze hard-to-fill job orders, assisting with job restructuring, and helping employers deal with layoffs. Job seekers who are veterans receive priority referrals to jobs and training as well as special employment services and assistance. In addition, the system provides specialized attention and service to individuals with disabilities, migrant and seasonal farm-workers, justice-involved individuals, youth, minorities, and older workers.
Basic Career Services
- Orientation and information on training and employment needs
- Local employment statistics, including vacancies and skill requirements
- Program eligibility applications and determination
- Resource room access for resumes, internet job searches, etc.
- Outreach and intake
- Assessment of skill levels and needs
- Job search and placement
- Referrals to partner agencies
- Information including performance, cost and referrals to providers
- Assistance locating supportive services and Financial Aid
- Assistance with UI claims, rights and responsibilities
Individualized Career Services
WIOA eligibility standards include age, income level, education and skills and work circumstances. For example, someone who has been laid off or who has received notice of a layoff as a result of a permanent closure or substantial layoff at a plant may be eligible for special assistance. Some programs are designed especially for youth who are between the ages of 14 and 21 and have very limited income. Other programs are designed for those 18 years of age and older.
- Comprehensive assessment and testing
- Development of an individual employment plan
- Counseling and career planning
- Short-term prevocational services to prepare for employment and training
- Out-of-area job search or relocation assistance
- Internships or work experience activities that are linked to careers
- Literacy activities related to basic workforce readiness and financial literacy
- Intensive case management and follow-up services
- Workplace preparation activities
- English language acquisition and training
Training Services
The federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) provides worker training, on-the-job training, work experience, apprenticeships and individual training accounts. Training is usually offered through community and technical colleges, universities, private for-profit organizations and businesses. Through a variety of training programs, WIOA helps eligible individuals find self-sustaining employment. See Eligible Training Provider List section for more information.
- Occupational skills training
- On-the-Job training (OJT)
- Workplace training with related instruction and cooperative education programs (ex. KYFAME, apprenticeship)
- Private sector training programs
- Skill upgrading and retraining
- Entrepreneurial training
- Job readiness training
- Adult education and literacy activities in combination with training
- Customized training and incumbent worker training
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The Kentucky Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL) is a one-stop portal for training providers and job seekers to learn about educational and vocational opportunities.
For technical assistance please contact:
Tricia Davis
Kentucky Career Center
(502) 782-3065
For questions regarding becoming a provider please contact:
Tammy Hyde
West Kentucky Workforce Board
(270) 886-9484