Entrepreneurship & Workforce in a Rural Community Conference

The Madisonville-Hopkins County Rural Development Conference brings together renowned experts to exchange experiences and best practices on issues related to innovation in rural areas, including the development of policies to benefit rural change and making the most of opportunities for job creation and economic growth.

Workforce staff attended the Entrepreneurship & Workforce in a Rural Community Conference on October 18, 2018 at Madisonville Community College. Dr. Larry Cox, with Pepperdine University, was the keynote speaker at the event. Mr. Cliff Yager, the O2O Installation Manager at Fort Campbell and Mr. Reggie Ordonez, who is the Director for Pathway's Veterans Business Outreach Center, were invited by WKWB Veterans Transition Liaison Marc Quesenberry to speak on how veterans enhance the workforce and how many veterans aspire to be, or already are, existing business owners. Community leaders are looking to invite Cliff and Reggie back to the area for more events involving veterans and soldiers exiting Fort Campbell, to showcase employment opportunities available within the community.


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