COVID-19 National Dislocated Worker Grant

The Kentucky Office of Employment & Training was the recipient of a $6 million COVID-19 National Dislocated Worker Grant for assistance in response to the major dislocations and layoff events in Kentucky.  The West Kentucky Workforce Board received $551,108.40 of their requested $900,000.00 submitted in their proposal.  The WKWB hopes to utilize temporary employment and work experience related to the delivery of appropriate humanitarian assistance, On the Job Training, short-term training, and career services to encourage employment recovery.  Information on the grant is listed below:

Eligible Participants for this grant will be a dislocated worker:
Which includes those workers who have lost their job through:
  • a layoff,
  • a temporary layoff due to the pandemic,
  • was self-employed and now is unemployed as a result of the pandemic,
  • a business closure,
  • military relocation for a permanent change in duty station, as the spouse of an active duty service member, and they have lost their job,
  • due to spouses layoff, the individual is now a displaced homemaker

Opportunities available in the grant will include:
  • Temporary disaster-relief employment
    • In cities, counties, private for profit and non-profit businesses
    • For jobs providing humanitarian assistance & provision of disaster-relief
    • Wages paid under the grant will be comparable with the wages of the other employees performing the same or similar work
    • Workers’ Compensation will be provided to project participants under this grant 
    • Limited to 2,080 hours in work experience, based on need
    • Temporary employment can include: assistance at food banks, food delivery, medical staff, emergency drivers, virtual/phone tutors, material delivery, screeners for community centers & shelters, drivers- transport food and supplies,  community service support, direct care, sanitation assistance, assistance with contact tracing & outreach, temperature checks, social distancing modifications to locations in the region, etc.

  • On the Job Training
    • To assist businesses with more efficient recruiting, targeted training, and assist with training expenses in high demand sectors
    • Contracts with specified training plans for the positions can offer up to 50% reimbursement

  • Short-term training
    • Funds to assist participants with a short term certification to get a job
    • High demand areas such as healthcare, logistics, CDL drivers

For additional information on the grant, please contact the WKWB at 270-886-9484 or 1-800-928-7233.


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